eMedizine : October 23rd 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010


Hello everyone, this is Pooja Raval and I’ve invited Mr. Nrip Nihalani, who is one of the country’s top Healthcare Technology Experts to be the guest editor for eMedizine the coming 4 weeks.
--Pooja Raval


Hi everyone, Hope you all had an amazing week. My focus during the week was in demonstrating to others on how one can use Online Technologies to improve communication, efficiency and reduce friction in Patient Care and Customer Care. Consequently we would also discuss on how these lead to an eventual increase in profit. Detractors usually state that the disadvantage of this approach is the loss of personal touch. And that is a viewpoint I personally share too. But like all pain points, I believe it is important to collaborate and search out solutions.

This particular issue of eMedizine provides articles which talk about “How Online Technologies benefit Healthcare”, and “What are the reasons because of which some of these modern technologies are not being used by healthcare professionals today”. In the coming 4 weeks, we will be looking at articles with a concentrated focus on “Problems with Online Usage, How these problems are being solved and why the future in this space is exciting”. We also have a great surprise coming up for our readers in November, so keep watching this space.

Warm Regards,
Nrip Nihalani



Why don't Indian doctors use EMR?

Why do Indian doctors continue practising in exactly the same way their seniors did 40 years ago ?

A major lacuna is the poor quality of medical records which most doctors keep. The medical record is the heart of clinical care – and yet it’s extremely poorly maintained in Indian clinics today. The majority of doctors do not even bother to store and keep their patient’s medical records – they just write down their opinion on their letterhead and hand it over to the patient.

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Taking Indian Healthcare Online-Are we ready yet?

A lot of websites today claim to offer a host of services for doctors and patients online. Some of these sites are very innovative. They all looks good and give you the feeling that Indian Healthcare is definitely going in the right direction. But how effective is their approach from the business reality point of view. How much of this is going to work today and not in 3 years?

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A Clinic today-PC less and less than ideal

Often I have written about how a PC will help you manage your clinic better, focusing on what would go right is you did have a PC and software to help you manage your affairs. Maybe it’s time to look at this from the other end of the tunnel. What could go wrong if I didn’t have the PC or software! So now consider my clinic Dr. Aditya’s Specialty Clinic, let’s say its specialty is Skin treatments. And to add to this lets say I have no PC in the clinic or even an inkling of technology. Let’s see how it works?

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Why do Indian doctors provide such a poor experience for their patients? by Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, IVF Specialist, Mumbai.

How MDConsult helps me to become a better doctor-Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, IVF Specialist, Mumbai.


Shortly after the 911 emergency number became available, an elderly and quite ill lady appeared in a Rochester hospital emergency room, having driven herself to the hospital and barely managing to stagger in from the parking lot.

The horrified nurse said, "Why didn’t you call the 911 number and get an ambulance?" The lady said, "My phone doesn’t have an eleven."

Helpful Links

Plus91 products online

Websites for doctors

Press coverage

Technology for doctors


From January helpline will provide information on mobile phone, website : Get your Hospital Bed Info on SMS : HT

Nrip Nihalani speaks on "Using the Internet to Create Informed Patients" at the Putting Patients First Conference in Mumbai.

Plus91 helps Google in carrying out a successful Health Speaks event in Pune.
READ MORE - eMedizine : October 23rd 2010

eMedizine : October 16th 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ever experienced problem with your PC and then calling up the computer technicians to fix it up? Some simple techniques in today's issue will help you save a lot of time and money spent on the technicians. Read this week's issue and get acquainted with the tweaks to make your PC experience better. Also clear mental blocks about becoming IT savvy and see for yourself the benefits of shaking hands with technology in your practice.

I will conclude by reading the icing on the cake-Blogs section-informative blogs on healthcare and a sweet smile at the end of the issue to make your day worthwhile with Plus91's funny bone.

Enjoy this week's issue.

-Pooja Raval


Tweaks and applications to make your PC experience better!

Today a lot of Indian Doctors are waking up to using the computer, maybe to surf the net, or they own a website or better still have an EMR solution. Below are some tips to help you make your time spent on the PC better. These include some mundane ideas and thoughts and also some personal insights in what works best. So make your PC experience a good one, because it’s going to last you a life time.

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Getting IT savvy - A mental block for the Indian doctor!

The sheer number of times that I have had to actually think about refusing a client because he or she is just too uptight about makes me wonder whether doctor's are all that worried about quality.

I think a there was a wide schism between requirement and delivery in a lot of earlier versions of medical softwares in India leading to a fear amongst doctors about being taken for a ride when purchasing a new IT product. But there is a limit to which this excuse can be used to bargain or actually make a decision.

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Medical Softwares of Old: Slow to catch up

Technology infiltrated medicine a long time back. On the hardware and pharma front it was growing leaps and bounds before software even had it boots on. So why did software get left behind. Well my version of the story is that it didn’t get left behind it was just slow to learn and grow. Since the time the PC was invented and programs to go with it, something was being developed for the medical front. It began with some very specialized sections which are today well entrenched in the practice, eg. Imaging softwares for a radiologist, however the major portion was just left behind and slow to adapt.

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Why do doctors have such large egos! by Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, IVF Specialist, Mumbai.

Patients ? or Paperwork ? by Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, IVF Specialist, Mumbai.


"So, Doc, since my surgery’s been successful, will I be able to dance?"
"Sure you will, my son!"
"Hey, that’s great, Doc! I’ve never been able to dance before!"

Helpful Links :

Plus91 products online

Websites for doctors

Press coverage

Technology for doctors


Clinkare with a Ayurveda template released! For more details call 020-32340204.
READ MORE - eMedizine : October 16th 2010

eMedizine: October 9th 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hello again dear Readers! We all desire to change at some point of time from the monotonous routine. Be it clothes, food or clinical practice. If there are no variations in the routine in the right direction yielding postive results, we tend to lose interest in what we do. This week's issue focuses on the changes Plus91 has brought into the healthcare IT field. Plus91 has played a vital role in discovering the pain areas of doctors and resolving them to the doctor's exact needs. e-Medizine throws light on the solutions for doctors and bringing change in the medical field.

Read the blog on Project HERO, an initiative by Armman(an NGO) which will enable faster shifting of patients from one hospital to another in case of emergency and donate for a noble cause.
-Pooja Raval


Improving your Patient interaction and outreach!

Technology enables, but man disables by not taking advantage of opportunities given to him. A doctor today has many such key touch points to increase and consequently improve their interactions with patients. Some are simple methods, some require a little bit of work, but what is the end advantage of it all? For one thing it makes you popular amongst patients; side effect could lead you to more business. Second it helps educate and provide information to patients and people who may read just what they need thanks to you! A little help goes a long way in accumulating blessings.

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Internet musings with a Doctor

I met a doctor socially the other day, and we had a very interesting conversation about his practice. He has published a website with the help of Plus91 Technology’s Website For Doctor's initiative , and we were discussing the merits of a doctor using the Internet for reaching out to patients.

His first worry was: doesn't this amount to advertising? Because a website is personal digital real estate, he felt this was fine, but was very uncomfortable about using social media to reach out, because he felt this was unethical.

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Single EMR - How far are we?

A unique medical record for each person is considered to be the Holy Grail in the world of healthcare IT – especially when applied to a country like India. When is this going to happen? To begin with a unique medical record would not have to be electronic, but logically speaking it needs to be. A physical record has constraints of sharing and updating, so let’s accept that this unique medical record needs technology to create it. This is a challenge – and a unique opportunity as well, as we do not have any legacy issues; and can piggy back onto the UID initiative started by the Govt of India and spearheaded by Nandan Nilekani.

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HERO- Helpline for Emergency Response Operations by Indian Health Journal

Bringing up father ! by Dr. Rajendra Baxi, Researcher and Child and Adolescent Paediatrician.


A well known rich businessman’s wife broke her hip. The businessman got the best bone surgeon in town to do the operation. The operation consisted of lining up the broken hip and putting in a screw to secure it. The operation went fine, and the doctor sent the business man a fee for his services of $5000. The businessman was outraged at the cost, and sent the doctor a letter demanding an itemized list of the costs. The doctor sent back a list with two things:

1 screw $ 1

Knowing how to put it in $4999

$5000 total

The businessman never argued.

Helpful Links :

Plus91 products online

Websites for doctors

Press coverage

Technology for doctors


Plus91 works with Armaan in providing Mumbai with a HERO—Helpline for Emergency Response Operations.

Clinkare with a paediatric template released! For more details call 020-32340204.
READ MORE - eMedizine: October 9th 2010

eMedizine : October 2nd 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you and then, you win"
-Mahatma Gandhi

Born on this day, several decades ago, Mahatma Gandhi has been a role model in revolutionsing the ideas in the minds of the people not only in India but in the entire world. He encouraged all to do something different citing the consequences in the quote. With e-Medizine, Plus91 pens down all the innovative ideas in the field of healthcare IT, many of which contributed by doctors themselves. Read this week's issue for vast information on healthcare.

-Pooja Raval


Top 10 mistakes that Doctors make in choosing medical software

Choosing which program to buy to run your medical practice has never been easy. Earlier , it was because there were very few programs available. Today, ironically, it is because there are too many ! Doctors are very confused as to which program they should buy – sometimes, too much choice can be as bad as too little !

Doctors have some special character traits which software producers need to be aware of !

How technology helps Doctors save time !

Doctors need to incorporate technology in their daily life to increase their efficiency. Let’s look at how Dr. Thakkar can use everyday easily available off-the-shelf inexpensive technology intelligently, to help him become more productive.

1. A website and and Email Id
2. A smart Mobile Phone
3. A pen drive
4. A laptop or PC with Internet
5. An EMR solution

Patient Safety

We were privileged enough to be invited by Dr. Nikhil Datar, a pre-eminent gynecologist and medico-legal expert to witness his premier talk on Patient Safety. It was hosted by IMA Dombivali and had a strong audience of over 40 doctors waiting to hear Dr. Datar’s talk. Dr. Datar had recently returned from UK where he attended a program organized by WHO on Patient Safety. Plus91 Technologies believes in making patient centric solutions which don’t just automate the clinic or hospital but also improve quality and service. Keeping this in mind, the presentation was interesting not just for the doctors but also for us.



The man told his doctor that he wasn’t able to do all the things around the house that he used to do. When the examination was complete, he said, "Now, Doc, I can take it. Tell me in plain English what is wrong with me."
"Well, in plain English," the doctor replied, "you’re just lazy."

"Okay," said the man. "Now give me the medical term so I can tell my wife."

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